Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier

Piscul Draculi: A lone Transylvanian castle. A family of motherless sisters. A portal to another reality. Three serious wishes. And a frog that only has a voice and eyes for Jenica.

Every night there's a full moon the girls don their finery and step into a world of moonlight revelry taking every precaution to keep themselves safe at their clandestine balls. But danger soon strikes just not from the quarter they expect. Although thwarted love, enchantment, and the mysterious people of the night threaten their safety, the real threats come from their father's failing health, the tragic death of their uncle, the escalating control of their cousin, and their failing finances.

A fairy tale to crown them all, Wildwood Dancing is a tale of mystery, loyalty, enchantment, and true love. Not only struggling with the usual adolescent qualms and dramas, each unique sister must cope with struggles that no one can tell them how to deal with. Blatant sexism and discrimination against the capabilities of young women tells them that they're in over their heads, but what they've learned in the other realm tells them that they're the only ones that can calm the war between the realms.

They learn that families must stick together to help one another, but even the best of loving intentions can be misunderstood. Loving communication and genuine understanding are all that can combat the discord that threatens both the worlds the sisters love.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Love this book! The sequel, Cybele's Secret, is just as good.