Thursday, February 21, 2008

"The Almost Moon," by Alice Sebold

"The Almost Moon," by Alice Sebold is a disappointing second novel. Sebold's first work, "The Lovely Bones," is one of my favorite books, but "The Almost Moon" does not even compare.

In this novel, the main character, Helen, opens with the statement that she has murdered her mother. The book doesn't get any better from there. The story is disjointed, the characters are scattered and uninteresting, and the book ends in a bizarre cutoff. I so wanted to love this book, because Sebold is a wonderful writer, but this is not her best effort.


Book Look Column Author said...

Can't get to you thru the gmail address - why? I would love to send my weekly Springville newspaper column reviews over to you (always promoting library too). This week was "Austenland" which you can read at the library in the reading room. Book Look is on P. 14 in 2nd section this week.Let me know ASAP
Debbie Balzotti

Springville Library said...

Please try sending another email- there isn't anything in the inbox or junk box. Thanks!

Book Look Column Author said...

still tried the gmail still getting not available - has anyone been able to contact you through the gmail address?